Ms. NhuBao Le

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About NhuBao Le

I, a mother, have an autistic daughter, Thaomi.   When I learned this, I felt that this world was no longer fun or meaningful to me. The dreams that I have made for my child was completely gone. I only thought about what I can now to take care of my child and live this life to the end… But when I learned about VTCMV and met other families whose situation is similar to mine, I felt the sympathy, the passion, the support, and the guidance from brothers and sisters of VTCMV  and I gained necessary knowledge to educate my child. Since then, I feel like my life is easier and happier, the door has opened for my family and, my husband no longer has back pain (there was a time when my husband had back pain due to stress when he didn’t know how to find appropriate support services for his child). 
 My family would like to sned our gratitude to VTCMV. I don’t know what to say to sufficiently express our thoughts but we want to send VTCMV much love ❤️❤️❤️.  Now I feel like my daughter is like a rose that God has given us to care for, embrace and love in this life. 
 VTCMV organizes many events for children every year, which she likes a lot.
 We will try our best to use what we know to guide and help other families of children with disabilities and let them know about VTCMV.❤️❤️❤️
 Excerpted from “Thamomi’s Mother”